Welcome to...
Cathedral A.M.E. Zion Church

428 W. Northside Dr.
Jackson, MS 39206
(601) 982-0945

Rev. Gary D. Adams, Sr.

Services are held every Sunday morning at 9:28 AM. You may also join our virtual community via YouTube and Facebook.
Did you miss a service? No worries, click the YouTube link below!

Family bible study is weekly on Wednesdays via Facebook at 6:30 PM.

Weekly immediately following Sunday Service in the sanctuary.
Latest Greatest News
To give tithes and offerings please click the donate button at the bottom of this page.
You may now also give via cashapp, $CAMEZ428
Office hours are M-F, 9 AM-
3 PM
Remember to LIKE us on facebook at "The Cathedral Experience" and "Cathedral AME Zion Church"
Check out pictures and videos of our recent worship service on our facebook page. Click Here
​Stay Connected
Note: If you have not been receiving messages from Cathedral Phonevite service, please call the church office at (601) 982-0945 to add your name to the list.
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news or special Mass schedules.
You may also call the church office if you desire special prayer or desire to be placed on our sick and shut-in church list. (601) 982-0945.
To stay up to date with events and reminders, click on the link below and join our Cathedral Family/Friends Class. You will receive notifications via texts. For replies, questions, or concerns please call the church office.

Let us continue to believe God for complete healing and restoration for the sick and shut in as well as the bereaved.